Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Went back early

Hi all..... Today got some ****** rehearsal at school. We go school go assembly first. I saw "her" there. Then we go art sculpturing. Uber Sian sia....... Herman(my partner) not here, go some compeitition if i aint wrong.... everything need to solo.... then unable to finish lo.... Then we all go Computer Lab got digital art.... we finish rendering lol... Ashwin go y8 play billiard then he challenge me. I won him 1st round 8 - 7 and 2nd round 8-7 suppose he win 7-2 de but then he anyhow shoot the ball then i won him.... LOL! =) Then he kip say pure luck la...Then teacher wan bring us go PE but then we all nvr wear PE shirt... so we go hall watch the stupid choir sing "Over the Rainbow". Then 9.30 we go recess , I brought my deck, then play with ting yang. play halfway then askwin they all say got ball. Then we both kan chiong kip the cards go play soccer. Then all Innovation classes go challenge us(I1), Of cuz. We won! 2-0, both scores were scored by ashwin if i not wrong. Then i leave school, saw Guat Kwan and Neo Liang in front. I ran towards them , then they take dunno wad the blow got the dunno wad drop de. They told me go make at Zi Wei face. When i ran until Zi Wei , the "flower" de "petals" already dun have le.... then cannot blow. Then we go carpark lo..... we talk about maple things... Then Neo Liang Kip interrupt..... Then we tell him shut up. Then go home, eat instant noodles.... drink Vitasoy....Then blog now lo.....

IF only "she" was here.... Everthing would be perfect.

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