Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Whats up?

Hey all,
I'm kinda depressed today. Haha. I don't know whats wrong with me though. Something just does not feel right. Things always seem right for me, but today, no. Even though Life sucks,I feel that we should actually try to make it better. life seems perfect for me, but it doesn't. Sometimes, private information will get into wrong hands and it will spread, and it takes a really time for it to stop. Therefore, we should try to be more patient with thee rumours for it to stop. Even if it bothers you, you should stay calm and composed. For then, those people who spread the rumours will find it not funny anymore and stop spreading it.Thats my advice. To me, rumours are like poo which we want to avoid. Everyone produces poo and thus, everyone do spread rumours. However, there are some that are too much. And those poo-heads should stop.
To DaoHuey
Please, stop being sad. After all, nobody in THIS WORLD is emotionally perfect and will never ever be happy all the time ( thought there are people who are happy everyday, they are Mad{Siao!}). But, people who are able to stay happy everyday are those whom we say are, Perfect. Therefore, to say "Perfect" , please cheer up!

Your Friend or Foe,

Copyrighted on 29/09/2010. CQ®™© is a registered trademark of Chong Qi Pte Ltd. The founder of this "company" is Chong Qi.Any copying of this piece of writing is strictly not allowed and will be severely dealt with. Anyone who wants to copy this has to go through the permission of the owner of this blog and writer of this post, Chong Qi.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Countdown and my Birthday Presents!

Hey all,
I'm back again! LOLS. Somemore its so near PSLE! Haha. =) Ok, this time its the countdown again. LOLS.8 more days to PSLE~! Lols. And 14 more days to go before it ends~! WHOO!
By the ways, i got quite a lot of things for my birthday lols. Herman, Wei Jie and Joycelyn gave me 30k @cash! Woots! Oh , and thanks Benson! For the late present( which is 10k@cash). HAHA!
Oh and this freaking lines below are written to WH as promised,
but what do you wan me to write about ar? Sister? LOLS!

Your friend or foe,

Copyrighted on 28/09/2010. CQ®™© is a registered trademark of Chong Qi Pte Ltd. The founder of this "company" is Chong Qi.Any copying of this piece of writing is strictly not allowed and will be severely dealt with. Anyone who wants to copy this has to go through the permission of the owner of this blog and writer of this post, Chong Qi.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Countdown again~

Hey all,
Back to countdown again. Haha lols. 12hrs15 min more to my birthday! Woots! and 10days 12hrs 15min to PSLE! Oh My god! Must work hard now. =) To all Pupils preparing for PSLE, Good Luck!加油! Fighting!
Oh, TO ALL PEOPLE who are dying because of stress, Please don't die yet! PSLE will be over in quite a flash! Haha! So, handle the stress!

Your Friend or Enemy,

Copyrighted on 25/09/2010. CQ®™© is a registered trademark of Chong Qi Pte Ltd. The founder of this "company" is Chong Qi.Any copying of this piece of writing is strictly not allowed and will be severely dealt with. Anyone who wants to copy this has to go through the permission of the owner of this blog and writer of this post, Chong Qi.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Countdown again!

Hey all,
2 more days to my birthday and 12 more days to PSLE~! Once again, all must work hard ar! Work hard ar! Good Luck!加油!Fighting! =X =). Oh, and once again..... Thanks Herman, Wei Jie and Joycelyn for the presents. They really do come in handy! =) Please write in my tagboard if any of you do visit my blog!
By the way, Vernon stop calling my gay. U are extremely gay, so don't talk so much. U can ask Ting Yang if you're extreme gay. I am serious too. That if u call me gay again, I'm so going to post something on your facebook wall. Some thing that discriminates you. So, don't force me into doing that.
In all, Thanks all of you who have been reading my blog( I think there's a few only) very much.

Your enemy or friend,
Chong Qi

Copyrighted on 24/09/2010. CQ®™© is a registered trademark of Chong Qi Pte Ltd. The founder of this "company" is Chong Qi.Any copying of this piece of writing is strictly not allowed and will be severely dealt with. Anyone who wants to copy this has to go through the permission of the owner of this blog and writer of this post, Chong Qi.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Countdown to my B'day and PSLE

Hey all, I'm back to relax for a while before the PSLE starts! Ok, so there are 3 more days(Excluding today) to my birthday and 13 more days to PSLE ( excluding today again!). SO all, WORK HARD FOR IT! I'm gonna go crazy soon.

Your Friend or enemy,

Copyrighted on 23/09/2010. CQ®™© is a registered trademark of Chong Qi Pte Ltd. The founder of this "company" is Chong Qi.Any copying of this piece of writing is strictly not allowed and will be severely dealt with. Anyone who wants to copy this has to go through the permission of the owner of this blog and writer of this post, Chong Qi.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Got back my REPORT BOOK!

Hey all, Sorry for not updating lately. However, i have an 'ok' news to tell u all today. All students got back their report book and guess what? I got 19/345 for my position among all THE STUDENTS in my school. Thats kinda sad lols, cause position 17onwards gets is top 5% and they get to get $450 or $400. So, I kinda don't know whether i'm getting $400,$450 or $350 or $300. Haha. For all of ur info, I don't really mind what i get, because i already have EAGLES award. =)

A video of my drawing not long ago

The following message is dedicated to Vernon, if he reads my blog.
Remember, if u feel pain on ur face. DO tell ur mother and go see a doctor. Cuz there might be broken shards of glass or plastics inside the wound. And also, do take care. Lastly, COngratulations to U on GETTING 1st in the whole level. COngratulations to Clarence to for getting 2nd. Congratulations to the person in 3rd.(I kinda forget who u are =X) and also to all students who have done well. However, those who did not do well, do not be disheartened! U have most probably done ur best for this prelims. So, study hard and try to get higher marks for ur PSLE! =D ^^ ☺

Your good friend or enemy,

Copyrighted on 20/09/2010. CQ®™© is a registered trademark of Chong Qi Pte Ltd. The founder of this "company" is Chong Qi.Any copying of this piece of writing is strictly not allowed and will be severely dealt with. Anyone who wants to copy this has to go through the permission of the owner of this blog and writer of this post, Chong Qi.